Declaration of Independence Refractor

Abraham Clark
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF AC
Availability: 3
Arthur Middleton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF AM
Availability: 3
Benjamin Franklin
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF BF
Availability: 6
Button Gwinnett
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF BG
Availability: 12
Benjamin Harrison
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF BH
Availability: 13
Benjamin Rush
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF BR
Availability: 8
Carter Braxton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF CB
Availability: 6
Charles Carroll
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF CC
Availability: 4
Caesar Rodney
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF CR
Availability: 2
Elbridge Gerry
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF EG
Availability: 1
Edward Rutledge
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF ER
Availability: 2
Francis Hopkinson
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF FH
Availability: 3
Francis Lewis
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF FL
Availability: 2
Francis Lightfoot Lee
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF FLL
Availability: 2
George Clymer
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF GC
Availability: 6
George Ross
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF GR
Availability: 5
George Read
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF GRE
Availability: 4
George Taylor
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF GT
Availability: 5
George Walton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF GW
Availability: 4
George Wythe
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF GWY
Availability: 1
John Adams
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JA
Availability: 2
Josiah Bartlett
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JB
Availability: 2
John Hancock
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JH
Availability: 1
John Hart
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JHA
Availability: 3
Joseph Hewes
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JHE
Availability: 4
John Morton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JM
Availability: 4
John Penn
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JP
Availability: 5
James Smith
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JS
Availability: 8
James Wilson
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JW
Availability: 8
John Witherspoon
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JWI
Availability: 10
Lyman Hall
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF LH
Availability: 10
Lewis Morris
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF LM
Availability: 10
Matthew Thornton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF MT
Availability: 10
Oliver Wolcott
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF OW
Availability: 10
Philip Livingston
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF PL
Availability: 8
Richard Henry Lee
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF RHL
Availability: 7
Robert Morris
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF RM
Availability: 8
Roger Sherman
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF RS
Availability: 12
Richard Stockton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF RST
Availability: 10
Robert Treat Paine
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF RTP
Availability: 7
Samuel Adams
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF SA
Availability: 9
Samuel Chase
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF SC
Availability: 9
Stephen Hopkins
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF SH
Availability: 7
Samuel Huntington
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF SHU
Availability: 10
Thomas Heyward Jr.
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF TH
Availability: 13
Thomas Jefferson
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF TJ
Availability: 14
Thomas Lynch Jr.
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF TL
Availability: 15
Thomas McKean
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF TM
Availability: 13
Thomas Nelson Jr.
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF TN
Availability: 11
Thomas Stone
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF TS
Availability: 13
William Ellery
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF WE
Availability: 11
William Floyd
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF WF
Availability: 14
William Hooper
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF WH
Availability: 10
William Paca
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF WP
Availability: 8
William Whipple
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF WW
Availability: 8
William Williams
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF WWI
Availability: 6