Declaration of Independence Refractor

Joseph Hewes
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JHE
Availability: 4
John Morton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JM
Availability: 4
John Penn
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JP
Availability: 5
James Smith
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JS
Availability: 8
James Wilson
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JW
Availability: 8
John Witherspoon
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF JWI
Availability: 10
Lyman Hall
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF LH
Availability: 10
Lewis Morris
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF LM
Availability: 10
Matthew Thornton
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF MT
Availability: 10
Oliver Wolcott
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF OW
Availability: 10
Philip Livingston
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF PL
Availability: 8
Richard Henry Lee
2006 Topps Chrome Dec. of Ind. REF RHL
Availability: 7